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Wisconsin personal injury lawyers

How Can I Afford to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

We often think the bad things in life simply won’t happen to us. We never truly anticipate receiving the bad news about a loved one, whether it is a cancer diagnosis, a workplace injury, or injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. When the unthinkable occurs and a loved one is injured in a car wreck, your emotions are likely to run high, not only out of concern for your loved one and the losses that he or she has sustained, but also out of fear for your future, financial and otherwise. You may have young children to raise, a home mortgage to pay, and massive medical expenses to worry about; losing what often constitutes half or even all of your household income is incredibly stressful. As a result, obtaining compensation for your family’s losses through a personal injury claim may be essential to keeping your finances afloat.

If you find yourself in this situation, you need an experienced personal injury attorney to help you and your family get the compensation that you need and deserve. We know that you may be reluctant to seek legal help because of the potential costs of hiring an attorney. However, at Boller & Vaughan, like most personal injury attorneys, we will provide you with a free initial consultation about your personal injury claim. If you have a valid claim, we will then agree to represent you and your family in your personal injury case on a contingent-fee basis. This means that you don’t have to pay any legal fees or costs up front in order to hire us as your attorneys. Rather, we will pay these costs and fees for you until you receive a settlement or damages award following a trial. If you don’t receive compensation for your losses, then we don’t get paid. It is as simple as that.

We are the Wisconsin personal injury lawyers to whom you always can turn if your loved one suffers serious injuries in a traffic accident. No matter how complex or difficult your situation may be, the Madison injury attorneys of Boller & Vaughan are here to advocate for your interests and hold negligent drivers and other parties responsible for any injury or death that has occurred.