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Boller & Vaughan Madison, WI personal injury lawyers

Study: Drivers with Poor Eyesight Fail to Wear Glasses, Contacts

British insurance company Direct Line has conducted a study showing that over 13 million motorists with impaired vision fail to wear glasses or contact lenses at times when they are driving. Plus, one-fifth of these motorists never wear their glasses or contact lenses when driving. Not only does this practice put motorists, passengers, and pedestrians at risk, but it can invalidate a motorist’s insurance policy. Therefore, if a crash occurs, the motorist potentially will be liable for large repair bills or medical expenses if an injury results from the crash. The motorist also could be found negligent for failing to take measures to prevent accidents by ensuring that their vision is properly corrected by glasses or contacts while driving.

According to the study, driving with poor eyesight can result in a state of impairment similar to drunk driving. While most drivers admitted only to driving without proper eyewear on short trips, such as visiting the doctor or running to the grocery store, some drivers admitted to doing so while taking kids to and from school. As many as two-fifths of the survey respondents indicated that they had not had their eyes tested in at least two years.

It is estimated that some 2,900 casualties occur each year in the UK due to driving with impaired vision. Men were more likely to drive with impaired vision than women, and individuals between the ages of 18 and 34 were more likely to drive with impaired vision than individuals from other age groups. Researchers that gathered the data recommended that the government take steps to mandate regular vision testing for all drivers.

A situation in which a driver fails to properly correct his or her vision while driving is only one instance of potential negligence that could result in injuries to another. Whatever the case may be, however, you need advice and counsel from an experienced lawyer who can determine your options, based on your situation, and help you make the decisions in your case that are best for you and your family. The Madison personal injury attorneys of Boller & Vaughan handle personal injury cases on a daily basis, and we know what it takes to get the compensation that you need. Take the first step and contact our office today to set up your free consultation with one of our Wisconsin auto accident lawyers.